个人使用的Android Studio配置

Android Studio的每个新版本都或多或少有点问题,因此每次都重新安装并手动配置来避免配置继承的问题。

  • Export Live Template
  • Appearance & Behavior
    • Appearance
      • Theme: Darcula/Dark
      • UI Options - Disable Smooth scrolling
    • System Settings
      • HTTP Proxy
      • Memory Settings
  • Keymap
    • ShowProjectStructureSettings: Empty
    • Type alias: Empty
    • Show vcs Log: Alt + 3
    • Logcat: Alt + 4
    • Build: Alt + 5
    • Show Local Changes: Alt + 2
    • Maximize/Restore Active Dialog: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M
    • Compare with Clipboard: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
  • Editor
    • General - On Save - Enable Ensure every saved file ends with a line break
      • Auto Import: Enable 2 Add unambiguous imports on the fly, Optimize imports on the fly
      • Appearance
        • Disable Caret blinking
        • Disable Show line numbers
        • Enable Show method separators
        • Disable Render documentation comments and Reader Mode
      • Console - Default Encoding: UTF-8
      • Smart Keys: Enable Use "CamelHumps" Words
    • Font - Font: Consolas; Size: 22.0
    • Color Scheme - Console Font - Size: 16; Line height: 0.8
    • Code Style: Scheme: IDE
      • Groovy
        • Code Generation
          • Disable Line comment at first column
          • Enable Add a space at line comment start and Enforce on reformat
      • Kotlin
        • Set from Kotlin style guide
        • Tabs and Indents - Continuation Indent: 4
        • Wrapping and Braces: Disable New line after multiline entry
        • Code Generation
          • Disable Line comment at first column
          • Enable Add a space at line comment start and Enforce on reformat
    • Design Tools: Split, Split, Split, Code, Code
    • Inlay Hints: Disable Code Vision
  • Plugins
    • ADB Idea
    • Archive Browser
    • JsonToKotlinClass + Configure manually
    • Nyan Progress Bar
    • String Manipulation
    • [Optinal] Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
    • [Optinal] GLSL Support
    • [Optinal] Wavefront OBJ
  • Version Control - Commit
    • Disable Use non-modal commit interface
    • Before Commit: Enable all
  • Build, Execution, Deployment
    • Deployment: Enable all
  • Tools
    • External Tools
      • Avocado
        • Program: ...\Yarn\bin\avocado.cmd(Show Hidden Files and Directories)
        • Argument: -i $FileName$
        • Working directory: $FileDir$
    • Emulator: Disable Launch in the Running Devices tool window
  • Open a project
  • Reorder window layouts and Store Current Layout as Default
  • Clean Gutter Icons manually
  • Editor
    • Live Template: Disable compose related; Import from settings zip
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L
    • Enable all options
  • Disable Show Project Gradient in the toolbar